craning my neck to the never-ending ascent cemented stairs narrowing into dizzying consent flickering, dull neon lights, my shoes tapped as I puffed above the steps of flight the air was cool, posters plastered on the gloss sharpie scribbled pertaining messages historical analogies, flashback memories creak, the heavy metal door opened place a stopper, shush my breath away before me splayed an array of shafts wooden beams and rotating lighting crafts silent and dark, empty and stark I tiptoed and clung to the ladder tasting like metal and smelling of riddles I finally sit, spotter vibrating in hand the piercing white light following my every trail headset fastened, murmuring conversations the show is starting in 3 2 1 go actors file onto the gleaming stage vibrant hues and melancholy shadows each element working in unison my hands spotting the beams flashes of color ringing tones of vocal chords musical, theater performance and I sit in my booth hands tingling from light's heat watching the show unfold, behold, transform, beneath my feet