When walking down the street I have a tendency to get looks an eye glance here and there I don’t mind it to much it means I’m special it’s when the glances come with ignorance my mind has a tendency to get flustered. that’s when it hits. and I’m the lost one because I refuse to be seen as one thing since my speech and race don’t seem to quite match I apparently have an identity crisis but that’s cool I realize my worth is more then in my skin I don’t mean to be indignant but I refuse to not be heard There is more to my identity then the complexion that was placed on me a wise guy once said “we are the people every one wants to be like, but never the people you want to be” while I understand that all colors don’t really make a rainbow, I know they can still blend to make art create beauty in whats become this ugly world and instead of catching the falling hate throw out love passion excitement Acceptance... and understand what is or change it to make what needs to be I consider myself a Woman I know that I'm a Friend I try to be a Learner I will be a Lover But I will not be considered to be anything other THEN WHAT I AM! **** that just to clear up the confusion I am not a *Color.
Supposed to be spoken word, so i figured the formatting might help your hear me more then read me.