My happiness was so thick, I could almost taste it (Or so I thought)
I am thinking about love and how it is basically just happiness and more words and feelings set on fire
You make my heart feel like it is jumping off of the golden gate bridge And each time it happens, A small part of me emits a small warning: "You'd think it'd had learned its lesson by now… Beware: you will also drown in this same feeling."
You make my heart feel like it is falling off of the tallest skyscraper in Manhattan But now, it twinges a little just before A small surge of doubt and caution and everything in between Zips through me And before I feel all of the adrenaline, all of the good that comes along with it, There's this tiny little moment that is full of a dull and aching pain But especially when you say things that feel like peeling skin back And it bleeding When you say things that sound a lot like a dusty record That skips a lot Things that feel and sound a lot like black holes and hospital waiting rooms And so, I ask myself, Again and again, When did love become the same thing as pain?