Paper dreams on plastic lies Corrupting us with their paper dreams That tell us we can't be happy without that paper That tell us we can't be happy unless we buy that plastic And sell our souls to their paper dreams And plastic lies Those people tell us That the only way to live And play in their little game Is to buy into this fantasy That tell us that we can't be happy Until we have bought every single toy Until we have bought ourselves dry Trying to fulfill this paper dream And those who see the truth For what it really is And decide not to play the game altogether Are ostracized and seen as a nuisance Or crazy And seen as people to be gotten rid of Disposed of Because they refuse to buy into the paper dreams And the plastic lies We need to open our eyes There is more than enough in the world For everyone to have plenty And for our Earth to heal And for us to pay more attention To our planet And to the people standing right in front of us We are so filled with greed Chasing these plastic lies That make us hide ourselves That make us fake Following the rules And separating ourselves from each other That a lot of us don't even realize they are doing it They have become so used to immediately seeing themselves As somehow better Somehow more important Than other people Because they buy into the plastic lies And the paper dreams But we are all equal We all have something to give And we all have something to gain By giving up these dreams and lies And getting back to the natural way Before we started buying into this reality