as was assured, leave our medium of communication to images, for images are more provocative and easily translated, well sure... given that phonetics has become so ugly you are reduced to :) (smiley) and ;) (smiling with a wink of assurance), and the acronyms by the number: CUL8R (see you later)... no wonder then... defiling a mode of communication so dear makes me wonder... when will the era of abstraction end, to end the splashes of colour without definite contorts of a visage cease to be? take a dollop of **** and smear it on canvas ought to be revolutionary, by now, i'm sure... because it's just that; it's like we're illiterate again, first the clergy governed the literacy rates and made people idiotic, maximising on the electorate with Pope Erasmus, now they're pulverising us with images to sit, calm and comfortable with a pair of underwear filled with ants... pulverised by images we reduced phonetic representation of writing letters to no avail, instead shortening our acumen to representation of being pulverised by images: like c and see... sea... set sail...but there's no land ahoy!