as someone once said (žižek - sharpened gee for the ž, i.e. gee jee zee assembled together, somehow, like je suis, kinda, almost, but higher tier of g, more like jay-z, but in one unit - in polish simpler: ź), 'why be happy when you can be interesting?' fair enough, but premature depression just isn't on, i don't get that after mankind's darkest hour (the holocaust), the light ought to be sadness in youth, and not natural sadness in old age, when everything has been achieved... my neighbour is burning tires as i speak, or some other rubber / if not some plastic... i don't get it... why would depression attack youth? i guess because old age cannot succumb to melancholy but instead dementia... and since old age can't succumb to depression it must succumb to something, leaving a gap, allowing depression to creep up and curse youth. it's still odd for me to trust people who don't enjoy thinking like music, and music like breathing.