Open yours eyes Let go of sweet alibis You know those are just sugar coated lies
Open your eyes I am standing in front of you Quiet the chaos inside You've got to get out of there I took a peek inside your brain and I've got to say, Those voices sound quite insane
But don't pay mind to those voices They do not own your name They are just voices that feed the lie that you're not okay That you'll never meet the measure Just open your eyes, And experience life and all of it's pleasures
I'm standing here before you, Can't you see me? A living, breathing, sentient being Your internal chaos has vanquished you It has stolen your sight All you can see now are the lies that rule your life
Open your eyes, I'm here for you and I understand Can you not move, can you not feel? I reached out my hand Now reach out yours, I will grab hold of it And lift you up from the floor
Open your eyes Love stands before you in all of it's purity But you are unsure and full of insecurities I bestow my love with no requirements or debts Because my heart just gets stronger The more I love unconditionally, So, let me in, Please
Open the eyes of your heart, And finally, you will see.