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Feb 2016
Cold alone afraid, no light to brighten our way, just set in our ways, cold have we become in this age. Cold, we are cold to people. Cold, we are cold to ourselves. Cold, to the world. Scrooges' we've become. Heart full of distain. Vain and ill intentions cloud our judgement. Cold attitude, so high we are, can't see beyond our own noses. Cold love, hate forms up. Tensions rise up, offensive attendees who don't see how they are offensive. Cold war, waiting to push the button for M.A.D. Nuke city, don't look pretty. Petty of how we've fallen out of what was once semi-peace. Guns dominate, youths are indoctrinated. Propaganda violating human rights. But it's ok we are the good guys. Yeah Right, we all evil, we have all gotten to entitled to see we are all actually the same. Cold days, cold nights, all we want to do is fight, that's just not alright anymore.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
   Got Guanxi and ---
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