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Feb 2016
Me and the telly,
Sat in the room like jelly as my stomach grew smelly,
I and telly (my longtime friend) have had time,
We sit together and have no time to pick the time.

Telly lets me choose what I want to play,
Flipping through endless channels my way,
I sit in the room with telly for hours,
Only to enjoy the glorious controlling superpowers.

Oh and I can’t forget about the little grey remote,
she loves me more and more like a favorite quote,
Her gentleness arouses me to the point,
Of her electric red joint.

Still telly tells me what to do, how to act, what to say…
Telly tells me lies, secrets, truths, and all I can do is pray.
Telly answers my prayers day by day.
All telly can do is keep me happy and gay.

I turned the remote off,
And realizing reality is not what it seems,
Telly shows me views I can never express with words,
But only emotions can deny only to lie.

Yet again, turning off and on again, and again.
Once more, I do not feel like leaving telly.
Me and telly are bros and don’t expect hoes,
after all, I and telly are just average Joes.
Brad French
Written by
Brad French  Clarksville, TN
(Clarksville, TN)   
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