Her's is a story One worth a listen She'd walk past And man how she'd shine... how she'd glisten A beauty of sorts In street lingo... 'hot' She'd have toungues in knots... nervous men Dry throats But her story does not end so well... she blew it Problem was, she was hot as hell... and she knew it Her ego was big, and still this girl grew it Her response to advice was usually "***** it" If it was bad and immoral you bet she would do it Her actions eventually caught up with her She did not just 'get slapped' by life... it beat her It hit her with sense Too late though... she seems to die by the day By the booz, by the drugs She misses her mother's affectionate hugs Her mother disowned her After her first **** claimed he owned her Now she wakes up by chance Smells death all around her Sad story for one who was once goddess intense.