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Feb 2016
For love
I have lost nothing at all

I've never felt what it was like
to want it all to be
only the thoughts that overtake
when seduction sedates

I long for nothing at all
It all seems fleeting
without a point

What does it even matter
why do I even try
I will never feel a thing
and even then
not the sadness of goodbye

I have searched
a thousand lives this time
but only in my mind
for then there's reality:
a long list of **** I can never find

When it's time to hear that sound
sung sweetly
majestically ringing in the air
perhaps it will be said to another
by one sweeter still
and maybe through that time
in due time I will find
one that was mine

I sometimes think it will never end
but then again
who's to say
what will be
and what then
Written by
Joel Johnson  Connecticut
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