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Feb 2016
Nothing is wrong
I just hide my feelings
Burn the anger
And smile as if I'm fine
No one will know
The knife carves my skin
My heart is hurting
My mind is over thinking
Hating everything
Just because I can't take life
But nothing is wrong
I'm not the girl you think that is depressed
I just do all the stuff that makes it look like im depressed
I'm not the girl you call pretty
I am the monster in the mirror but for some reason the mirror doesn't shatter
I'm not the girl you call perfect
I'm just a girl that can't take it
That is dying for something
That I dont even know what it is
I'm just a girl that is a mess
That falls for every guy
That is protective of myself
But still let people walk over me
I'm just a girl that pops pills everyday
Just to keep me going
Wishing they were the ones
That can knock me out
Nothings wrong
I'm just tired
Tired of being broken
Tired of not being me
Tired of being tired
-never ending lies-
Written by
-never ending lies-
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