I want to die And live a thousand lives A thousand ways to spend my days A thousand things to do All that can be done and was done and ever could be done I want to see a thousand things before I die Meet a million people and know why They do we do the things that are done The moon is in the sky and a billion stars besides And trillions and quadrillions that no eye has yet to see I want to see the universe from end to end Every galaxy exposed and going Every star that burns the fusion of it's atoms To go into the atom and deeper and deeper down still To know the fabrics that weave the world we see To understand the quantum and the quark Oh how big and old and small and quick and terribly complex everything seems And oh how simple and young and tired am I Tired of seeing and seeing how blind Knowing only that I can never know And that I shall pass, and not know If anyone will ever know after me We are so small and the Universe so big, And life is so short, and the Universe so long Maybe someday it will make sense, But not now, not tomorrow, I want to die and live a thousand lives I want to know, why