well d'uh, of course thinking can become more toxic than the toxins "ruining" my kidneys liver and breath, i'm not prone to automated cognition, automated cognition is applicable to rudimentary tasks, perfected in the lineage of manual labour, and to be hanky panky frank, i sometimes wish my lived revolved around a perfected manual labour, than this scrap / dung-heap of writing.*
when i was making paella today (kashmiri chilli powder is milder than the usual ****! paprika, turmeric, main ingredients: mussels, prawns, chouriço - match the c with the upper part of an s, and the diacritic mark with the lower part of the s, i.e. ɔ - chicken) i had a thought, democracy, or current democracy ought to be fed the f. d. Roosevelt spirit of isolationism... this warring democratic Zeitgeist can't go on forever... there are no real city-state alliances these days, e.g. manchester (osbourne's northern powerhouse is competing with the blond mop-head london of booritz)... the countries being attacked are cities in rubble... they can't couple city- and -state together... they're given the option of puppet nationalism... and cities can't function under that... i think it's necessary to make democracy less war-like, less warring, it's exposing its weaknesses by warring with its scientific strengths but its inherent organic weaknesses, just today a heterosexual couple couldn't tie the knot in a civil partnership... because it appeared the church was pushing subverters into secular ranks... the secular ranks dismissed secularists for ****'s sake! now they'll have to go back to the church and tie the knot... it also appears secularism is only reserved for homosexuals and confused homosexuals (transgender peeps)... i still think a warring democracy will not provide an argument, a democracy practising f. d. Roosevelt's isolationism would do itself justice, after all we never hear of new york's grandfather: york, england... do we? what's in york? ah... no broadway... just a ****** cathedral and an archbishop at war with the the archbishop of ****-and-berry.... nothing much... everyone turns off their lights at 9pm for the early doze-off / early rise... farmer folk... you know: baa'h baa'h ol' mc'donald 'ad a farm. i know that the grand city-states of our times want Baghdad to join them... i know... it's not really working out.