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Jan 2016
They start slowly climbing up the crevices deep down inside of me.
Looking: for a way out, to escape.
Their gentle wings lightly scrape the insides of me.
The parts we had to memorize and learn in biology.
They take the corners and duck in and out of little pockets of space that never existed before.
They take little peeps of me as I watch you out the corner of my eye.
I wonder why how these little things can make me feel so alive.
They the wonders of the insect world, they, make it beautiful.
They swirl and twirl and leave me flattered and faulted all at once.
Tangents and parabolas.
Math’s science and fiction.
Curves and contours.
These little insects of pleasure.
No bites or scars.
Not pest.
I chase them with a net pure joy.
These little butterflies you give me.
Written by
Warren Arends  Johannesburg,South Africa
(Johannesburg,South Africa)   
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