Cursing the crap cluttered coats hanging in their rigor-mortis regiments only to fall to the floor again and again. I cannot speak to insufferable sirens but suffer alone instead Crying into the soft white bread and texting tormentedly Lost is everything insignificant that I desperately require Gone is the fear of Sugared words: 'you're fired' Leaving for more clustered, flustering days that fade to an unreachable haze I sit inside time, it taunts my heart flashing past in joy and in bordem refusing to part Decisions must be decided and lessons must be learnt as I shall push myself, but this should hurt more, More shoved into my core which trembles flabbily inches from the floor. Do not question me Do not inquire Just provide me with the life i desire. Forgive my childishness and ranting scrawl. But i'm tired, and I only see days before a fall