As my heart turns to stone As the darkness fill my soul I try to blow the demons away because that the thing that is pulling me away the blood in my veins clots my eyes swell the feel of darkness raps my chest in black may I get back to the track of light the flowers parish when exposed to my chest not even the sun can burn through my soul life is a dark cloud that keeps on pulling you deeper to the burning core people look at you through black eyes this is a dream that waking up could be impossible parish the darkness may the birds sing again may blood flow to my heart as aggressive as before let me smell the fresh breathe let me reach the light with the tips of my hand I know the angels and demons **** for taking over your body and soul but the only winner is the one you choose May god rip my heart out and blow his light on it hearts are weak but strength comes from him and only him I suppose i have to wait for Gods power to take over me