and i'm the dumb one that said you weren't dumb and you were the intelligent one that said hello, may as well enjoy the rocky mountains with mt. rushmore shave; to keep it all under wraps of a hollywood movie that never made it from scripts. yeah you asked to be treated as dumb, and i asked to be treated as a wizard, evidently both of us became middle class debates on parenting: white man's neck muscles became black girl's hypnotic celluloid hip arsenal, and i faked a combo of each in comparison: while rolling a wine barrel up a steep hill for a laughing horse in exchange for three magic kidneys that were categorised as baked bean & ******, oh lawd the giant came from the heights, with the magic goose ******* out golden swastikas rather than eggs of date printed 1933, holocaust unknown khaki shirts prior the schwarzhemd recycled for marble marrow statues, like gold carat plating of statues with beneath only cheap metal... but then the atomic authenticity measuring cylinder in u-turn to provoke such animate extension into theory of inanimate things that animate things provoked inanimate things to ask whether the one promise be worth blind acceptance or eyed destruction via logic itemising in coupling of two base words - after all neither psyche or logic are acidic words... they're base words... but coupling two base words leaves an aftermath of acidic reactionaries more prone than the singleton word **** that's acidic.