After you left not much had changed, But the fact that you would no longer lay by my side was a Constant reminder that my Days would no longer be filled with Eternal joy. Frankly, I never considered you to be a Girl with a strong set of morals and I Have not encountered someone who Is worse at making Jokes, but recently your name has the ability to Kindle a fire in my chest and Let me say that this is not a proficient fire. It is not a fire that Makes sufficient heat. It is something that spews wretched flames that No one should have to witness. Only I, the forsaken one, should have such Pungent tones and Questions that impose such Radical ideas continually Shot at me. Time to think only has Unveiled to me that you're a Vile person. You lack any sense of Willpower, you are so easily captivated by love. You make me want to use Xanax to Yield myself some ZZZ's.