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Jan 2016
[AS OF January 14, 2016, 1:45: I haven't finished any poem at all for the past months and yeah, I did attempt a few times but I've just lost all motivation to write poems and I loved writing poems but now things have just been so depressing that poems don't even really entice me anymore??? I don't know, it just felt wrong one day to write poems. It felt wrong to think of words to put together or maybe it just felt wrong to think of people then hurt. I don't think I will ever be able to write poems ever again, I've just lost all my will to, but I'll leave my poems here and on tumblr, and wherever the hell I put them, just in case people might come across them and read them and think, hey, I know this feeling, whatever.]
Have a nice day.
Altering Atmospheres
Written by
Altering Atmospheres  Way up in my head
(Way up in my head)   
   Fen Aarons
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