all i have now are cold sheets & a half empty bed with half empty tea mugs littering the floor like land mines surrounding my mattress that now feels more like a life raft then anything els a life raft that i jumped into to espcape the war zone that had now become my life this matress is the only thing keeping me from drowning into my sadness from falling into the madness
all i have now are the cries of dogs late at night are the cries of my heart late at night like the saddest song you've ever heard because they don't understand why the love was lost how can you loose something that was once everything and they try to out cry one another until they are both too exhuasted to do anything but sleep
all i have now are the the painful memories and broken dreams of everything we use to be to remind me of how quickly we fell how blindly we flew and how badly we failed all i have are songs that i can never play again because visions of you will play in my head and i'll need to drink enough liqour too drown it all out hand me that whiskey i need to pass out now how many times will i take this foolish leap before i finally get tired of the blood on my teeth