I'm still here full of hate But a young lady can't be in that kind of state And I'm ready to call 'check mate' Because these feelings have got me cornered and I'm about to break
It's not proper to fill your lungs with any type of smoke I thought As the clouds stung And I began to choke
But being proper is a mainstream way of thought If my personality was fake and could be bought I would be nothing but an assembly lines product
You cannot define who I am With a dollar bill Or your tainted Uncle Sam Who has grown so ill
I hear that they've made Bluetooth light bulbs It's funny, like an idea in your head can connect to your phone
But, I am of one mind And it is my own I will not be dependent on this iPhone
My fun will not end when the battery runs out Or have a limit on my volume for how loud, My thoughts may scream, Individuality