There is always beauty in loneliness coz you start traveling inside. People go to ashram to listen discourse to learn the meaning of life. The final message delivered was to travel inside. There are different type of loneliness. One is feeling lonely, when you are waiting for your partner; second was a soldier waiting at the border expecting an enemy; third a sage waiting for an enlightenment; fourth a patient with incurable diseases; fifth was when you attain old age, even when you surrounded by children and grandchildren; Six was poet waiting for an idea to describe an event or the pain of separation of his girlfriend; Seven was the celebrity where he was surrounded by people, not to be by himself; eight an accused, waiting for a death sentence. and finally when you travel to take up a new job or new place.
Loneliness was a beautiful feeling to think about yourself with the factor. The more lonely you are, the more you learn about the factor affecting you and help to understand the factor. I have seen in history, lonely people always moved to prove something, the whole development of this world in term of invention and discovery born out of loneliness coz the search of escape from loneliness has proved great to this world.