Once upon a long time ago on a land so far, far, away in an unknown kingdom unknown to itself a bishop entered the fray
He promised the greatest gift of freedom burn our bondages into sand and open the hope of mighty salvation and entry into the Promised Land
Bells ring brightly around the world strike the most beautiful of harmonious chords and when all those minds begin to unite for priceless gifts they arrive in hordes
They gather in front of the mighty church doors merge into a conglomeration and in a fervent, selfish, call, they say, "Bishop, lead us to salvation!"
After pacing back and forth a lot the bishop replied, "Follow me!" and off everyone went on a winding path trailing off as far as the eye can see
The bishop stopped in an ancient cave in a mountain with secrets that sing he turned around and spoke with fire, "Friends, I can not give you anything!"
"Brothers and sisters, you just must learn, spirituality is not on earth by presence! It lies in metaphor, in goodwill and sermon! The Promised Land is but here in essence!"
"Chains of the earth are not found in heaven and so heavenly souls you must make! If you follow the shepherd to freedom on earth then salvation is something you'll have to forsake!"
The crowd was stunned by these fiery words put to confusion by this engagement Were earthly bodies not allowed in heaven? Was that the point of this engagement?
Fiery words had kindled cold fiery souls and you fight fire with fire, many do say and a revolution of earthly interests was made to end the earth's dismay
You can still find the bishop in the cave forgotten by time, blood dried on the ground and regardless of his loss, his words ring true as the earth has never found the Promised Land