you want war, you have world war two spitfire pilots to serve your post-colonial migration; and yes, i'll twitch my eyes; ha ha cuisine scots using ginger.
there's a quintessential fascination with cabbage among the mutli-cultural asians of england being picky concerning scandinavians and the slavs... politico i could say as much about indian spices.. but they're granulated i admit, so there's less stink in the armpits; or there isn't, given chanel cardamom: assimilated asians into british society don’t use raw herrings and cabbage to joke about other european ethnicities while waving the st. george of that great fake curry of suffolk.
i've been telling the turks about sauerkraut for years to match up a purposive additive for the lamb kebab; sours to cut through the lamb fat like the chillies cutting through.