In silence comes God’s meaning to the heart When I need it I find it there To gently soothe the terror-stricken part With tender compassionate care
No longer unseen and isolated Trudging with troubles like boulders I’m amazed to feel burdens abated Deep pain subsides in my shoulders
Peace like a calm, flowing river I felt Forgive me for the violence I perpetrated against my own self I will take heart in the silence
I know now’s the time to release the past Forgiveness, love would-be talents I must let go held resentments at last To restore my inner balance
Carl Yung said we must climb up that mountain With courage and strength for direction My journey to Light flows like a fountain As I make a sharp shift in perception
I struggle with meditation, silencing my "monkey mind" all the time. This poem was inspired after meditating and then reading Yeats: "Out-worn heart, in a time out-worn, Come clear of the nets of wrong and right; Laugh, heart, again in the grey twilight; Sigh, heart, again in the dew of morn." --WB Yeats