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Jan 2016
I understand why you would be so done
the things your Sons and Daughters  
has done!!
No one asking for forgiveness and turning their backs
and you they shun
War after war with this your world we have destroyed
Young men constantly being deployed
Because someone with power is being paranoid
Replaced the stones that we use to throw
Killing one another
Thaw shall not ****
Now people killing for the thrill
Over a drug deal
or because
There is only so much a man needs
Money taken from people that they mislead
Scheme after Scheme
''We can make you money guaranteed"
You placed us in a "Garden of Eden"
Now where pollution is a breeden  
You gave us ten things that we needed to do
This is all we needed to do
To honor you
To repay you
For you giving your life
and hanging on the cross
beaten and bleeding
For the gift of life you gave to all of us  
Those ten things are a must
It is time for us
to show our love
While we wait for the new world
we will have to endure
all of the storms
as we wait for you to return
I am sorry, I cannot give you a reason
of why, or for
What we have done

What have we done ?
Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
   Ash Rose
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