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Dec 2015
I am chosen
Dont ask me why
Dont ask how
Just screan
Burn for etirnity
Make peace with it now
I saw a light
It was so warm
It filled me with ideas
Made my head swarm
All ways of helping
Bringing man together
Conecting our neighbors
Our people
Our towns
But it was lie
I stoped for a tear
Bought a beer
And now you will all fry
I have something so horrible it could be use to lift our souls into the light
Even those that died before
A motivational speech that could touch the
But none would listen
To caught up wanting to lie
There can only be one now to fly
Becasue my friends family and children
Its you or i
My wrath will rain down on earth
Red will the sky and water i dye
Written by
AlienneilA  Florida State
(Florida State)   
   Anon C
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