my limbs are broken and beaten and battered and my body has been used as a wall you punch to release anger time and time again. my mother says i wear too much makeup and it makes her cough when i'm around, i do not bother saying what i think-- that if she saw me without makeup she would feel much worse you apologize after, every time you say it will be the last and i just nod numbly and pretend it is true because that is what you need, you need me to tell you that you aren't a monster that you will get better that this is just a phase even though it isn't your friends ask me why i haven't left you yet, they aren't fooled by your terrible excuses of me accidentally falling down the stairs, and i tell them that i stay because if i don't then who will love me? you with all your flaws still tell me i'm pretty even when i say something wrong and you kiss the wounds you inflicted with lips so soft i wonder if what happened before was just a sick, twisted nightmare because how can someone as sweet as cheap wine hurt me? but then i look into your eyes and behind the love you have for me there is a bitter resentment towards yourself and i am reminded yet again what you are capable of. then again, it's not as if i won't be reminded the next time something bad happens.