No. I do not want to write my essay I cannot sit for the third night of the ninth day of the bizillionth hour and stare at a blank screen at the cursor blinking my empty brain back at me I do not want to attempt to sound intelligent Suave and Eloquent like the snake of a book I am trying to tame. No. I do not want to write my essay I would much rather sit wrapped in the warmest quilt I can find with the hottest cup of homemade chai and drink up all the poetry I can. Feel the wonderful free musical language roll around in my brain Roll off my ******* beautiful cascade of melodious letters. Research Pablo Neruda instead of Joseph Conrad And bathe in ryhmes instead of lectures. No. I do not want to write my essay. Even though 3000 words seem minor Are minor I am having a rather difficult time at this point. My procrasination is getting the better of me and I would rather write about writing my essay then actually write it