When every ****** starts to hurt When I realize my love hurts, When my eyes open through sweat. I am blind with you. I simply don't. want. too. What is holding me back from leaving tonight? Your words of pressure? The tiredness I feel listening to you? My mind saying, repeating, screaming, "IT'S OVER." But my heart saying, beating, and laughing, "LOVE AGAIN." Is asking: Whats best for me?, selfish? Why? Why do I simply not want to try... This is the question I wrangle in my mind. I stomp while I run. Run, Run, Run, getting farther and farther lost from you; and your searching to strong arms. For me and my sanity I run. for me and you I want to not think. As the stress pulls in, the breathing tubes tighten, and soon I'm somewhere new, and alone. Finally the finish line. The finish line is not what I thought it to be.