one poem that got reasonable exposure, and it's not even insinuated self-harming subject matter, mostly about drinking; i can't imagine writing too many lyrical lies, or trying to put a teenager's shoes on... i'm size eleven, when i was a teenager i was size 9... god it would be hard walking in those size nine shoes... but i probably could start to walk like a ballerina on crunch-the-toes tiptoe; so thank god i like the sound of the keyboard, and i treat the process of writing like i'd treat d.i.y., or watching the television.*
in the age of instant gratification, in the realm of poetry, or anything written... you will be met by two great foes: a. instant dis-satisfaction and b. finding a publisher of books (yes, an entire book of your own work, not magazines which would only publish a single poem) will take you about 8 years (if not longer), oh, last foe: c. distribution is not guaranteed by the publisher... the no. of sales are not guaranteed either... but hey... if the publisher prints one book at about 15 - 20 zł (basically a packet of cigarettes, 3 quid with the current exchange rate) you'd be dumb not to do it and start peddling - i've sat here and elsewhere for 8 years waiting for this dream - and believe me, the number of instant dis-satisfactory moments i've encountered, it's odd that i didn't give up - but it's not that odd - and i know about how dis-satisfactory writing can be when you're just looking at numbers jumping from 0 to 400, hearts sunshine whatever - it's too much like a pavlov experiment - dangle dangle a piece of meat on a string, toy with the poor dog, ring-a-ring-a-ding-**** bell... it's turning not only writers but readers into pavlov's dogs; or as nietzsche would have said it: i believe my work is not a work for my contemporaries, maybe some of my readers haven't even been born yet.