i am the miracle boy i spoke the day i was born and had a full set of teeth i'm the one that the crocodiles fled i tell you this but not in jest i brought down a Boeing 747 with a single shot of my sling the sun winked an apology for daring to be hot i did not fancy wiping a sweaty brow with that fancy white handkerchief of mine the symbol of a heart i broke under a moonlit sky i'm the one whose wardrobe tailors die to fit out i'm every woman's peculiar heartbreak and every man's litany of sad tales of loss i walked through fire and up a wall like an ant i marched through a hail of bullets but none touched me when i pass by all the girls rush to have a glimpse of me this beautiful mother's boy with charm too much to fight i have gone into bars and made patrons cry to buy me one my list of spectacular feats is endless and longer than eternity ....