Thank you for all you do You took care of me since before I was two. You raised me well, you’re an exceptional human Now thanks to you I’ve become quite a woman. I look to you for guidance and love And receive it all without a grudge. I hope this little book will remind you all the time Of the memories we had, and all the more to come. As I grow up, I won’t leave you behind You’ll be forever in my mind. When I’m in college, I’ll let you know How life on campus seems to go And when I’m grown and have a house of my own You can come and visit as if it were your home. I love you, Grandma, I hope you know And that feeling will never go Away or fade. You’ll forever be my wonderful Grandmother.
This was written for my grandmother's 80th birthday, and even though it isn't my favorite work, it's the one with the most meaning.