Beauty: qualities that satisfy the human eye. Why is it that the word beauty rigorously refers to physical appearance? To the naïve at least. A Girl lavished in compliments when she wears make up, but they vanish the day she shows up with a bare face. All of a sudden she feels less because she thinks she exposed too much of herself. As if telling the truth was a sin. She convicts herself by not allowing her eyes look directly into the eyes of others.
Flaw**: an imperfection. What about the reflection of what radiates within the body? There is no guideline book written stating what human should look like, only a mental one. Is it possible with something with no universal meaning to exist? That would make the aesthetic value of a person’s visible figure imaginary. Faces don’t have to be symmetrical. Skin doesn’t have to be crystal clear. Hair doesn’t have to be silky smooth. Bodies don’t have to be proportional.
Eyes that are afraid to see what is in the mirror, have minds that fail to realize they’re perfectly imperfect.