A bothersome burden that only bothers some, why yo ** me hearties! Do pass the ***. For tonight I salute to you all as with the passing of the hats, for more agile and quick witted cats.
Stay ever nimble and thoughtful on your feet, beware the seas that has been known to take mercilessly countless fleets.
For now I bid you all adieu, farewell, and bon soir! A bothersome burden, this is, no more!
For I leave you with this, the faint echo of your soon to be distant past, the game is afoot. The die. Cast.
Oh what a bothersome burden, this game we all play, but how bothersome is this burden that bothers some, if we are still here today?
Best of wishes, to your hunt and quests and all! May you find what your heart desires, as it beckons towards that eerie call.