She cries tears of mother's ruin "Look at me! It's been so hard All of my life And I've had to fight For my own patch of light Still, no-one ever looks at me"
He turns his eyes to the floor Saying nothing Feeling stupid And his words burst like bubbles in his mouth He is desperate to say something Anything to make her happy But he cannot turn disappointment Back into youthful optimism Or bitterness back to hope As she sinks into smeary sobs Wet and bleary loss He takes her home
He undresses her and puts her to bed Then he holds her as she cries And he holds her as she sleeps He hushes her when she stirs And calms her when she starts and cries out When the dreams become too real And he shall never be more than this Never more fulfilled Caring for her is his only purpose Making her happy is his holy grail Willingly trapped within her pain He is nothing else at all