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Dec 2015
Occasionally you meet someone who takes your breath away.
And then you must decide: "would it be right to say?"
Would it be right to mention, to tell her how you feel?
Or best avoid emotion. Stay silent. Don't reveal...?

In fact, I've no agenda. Nothing I expect...
Just want to introduce myself, perhaps win her respect.
And tell her that she's beautiful; to me she is a vision,
And if that makes her happy then I've made the right decision.

I said it! Oh... She's sceptical, she's heard it all before.
The older guy starts being nice, then suddenly wants more.
I tell her I'm professional. A gentleman, and pure.
I'll never cross the boundary; of that she can be sure.

She trusts me... When I'm next in town she does agree to meet!
She brings me to a bar that's high above the busy street,
A view that is spectacular; I take her for a drink
A chance to tell our stories, to make her laugh and think.

I promised her this poem. Now finally, it's sent.
I use these lines to open up and tell her what I meant....
When I told her "you're beautiful" the truthful reason why -
Was meeting her above the world, and seeing her smile high...
Written by
JC  Germany
   Got Guanxi and Yaz Hernandez
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