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Dec 2015
If I tore apart
What was art
And made it real
Not to conceal
My thoughts and aspirations
My trials and tribulations
Meaning nothing
No education
No learning experience
Forced into labor
Tormented to dance
One supplication
Give a little back of what you took
I wasn't asking for all
Just a sum
Less than you took from me
And I begged, and I pleaded, and you ignored
Well, yesterday you had your chance
You could have been a man
Instead you choose ignorance
*** 'em, *** 'em, *** 'em
*** 'em, *** 'em, *** 'em
Funny language you use
Now I get the name
And why people marry for revenge
Well, there's a fat cat at
Ninety fourth and
Sea Pea Double You
And their doorman is my doormat
And he stains
And he stinks of *** fat
And the bloodstains on your door
Will they silence your high *****
As she bleeds in the high roar
Of the flaming fire down below
Across the Styx
Given every chance I know
But, the fat cat could not let go
Now his friends they talk real low
'bout the crazy guy named joe
How he sits with his cold toes
In a lonely old jail cell
And the fat cat and his kitty
Had a chance, now it's o'er
And the worms feast as they bore
In to fat cat and his kitty
Don't you look at me as bad
For I know what you did was sad
And If I give your girl a name
I owe her that and much more pain
Roll over now or
Turn around
You haven't ears to
Hear this
David Ehrgott
Written by
David Ehrgott  EVERYWHERE!
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