A caterpillar had the feeling That change was coming That time was stealing. To embrace the metamorphosis It wove a cocoon around its chest And choose our wall to take its rest.
The young are thoughtless, often cruel And I was no exception. I would have destroyed it but for Frankie’s intervention. Frankie lived in the corner house He was older and quite wise. He taught me that this green cocoon would change into a butterfly. He bade me watch, he had me wait to see the wonder taking shape. We saw the Monarch first take wing once caterpillar, now a King.
Several summers passed us by. I still lived but Frankie died- He was nineteen, Young and brave A landmine put him in his grave. He died just before Saigon’s fall His name’s inscribed upon the Wall Corporal Frank Evangelista Junior, beloved by mother and mourned by sister. He was too good, too young to die. He would have been a butterfly.
Marine Corporal Frank Evangelista Jr. is one of 58,000+ Americans who gave their young lives In the Vietnam conflict. My friend's name is on the wall.