I have mentioned to you so many times, how you fail to see. Looking between the slithered light, between the sheets - you lie and wait incessantly for permission to live. It frustrates me to no end how you choose to forsake your strength, for a couple of nice words from the world for a couple of smiles from the rest. Inside your belly, stroms forever brew. Blowing around your mind to no end. You contain all the power and glory inside yourself turning nectar into posiion. Now you lie there- feeling sorry for yourself Wallowing in your pathetic trance Forever using the victim card - to escape what is essentially your mess. I am sick of dealing with your passivity, your submissive - weakling tune. I want to shake you, corner you and show my teeth Until you finally allow your power to come over you,, You are not sweet - you are not kind - you are not passive and you're most certainly are not blind. You are a fire living in the dark mind of a frightened sheep.