the resurrection of the roman empire happened a long time, it probably happened when the latinißed (in english the german eszett works miracles in terms of how the s and z mingle in certain words, interchanging in certain words, where even an s is involved in spelling a word, it’s not necessarily pronunciated, e.g. empiricism is written thus but necessarily it could be empiricißm) started using revised arabic digits, given the near synonymous simplicity of both systems of notation - the near skeletal orientation of the eye sockets proved that the characters of the language had to involve a complication - the insurgence of the diacritical marks on certain letters is keenly metaphorical as the descent of the resurrected rome, via the heart thumping in the vatican, the caesars becoming popes and hypocrites deliberating on what’s supposed to be hidden and what’s to be revealed - while cyrillic became neo-greek, after all:
and because the greeks developed actual names for letters, it was only rational to employ these letters as scientific constants ranging with popular demand in physics and chemistry.