I hide from myself If I dont think I won't breathe I won't die Why are you hiding? A simple question Thousands of answer appear From my "Family" From myself From my fear From my work or school From my friends From the world My answer is; I'm not hiding What are you talking about
I can't face the people who I love I can't even face myself They ask me again: Why are you hiding? Who said I was hiding huh? Does it look like I'm hiding? Is it visible I think to myself Oh if only I wasn't hiding I sneak around in plain sight I'm the shadow always overlooked They don't pay attention at all Well you got your answer I'm hiding from facing the world like an adult I'm hiding from myself I'm hiding from my family I'm hiding from my thoughts I'm hiding from the person who asked why I'm hiding Have you noticed that I'm not talking anymore I barely watch television with you I'm looking down at a small electronic device Hoping to disappear into it All because you made feel like crap Like I'm a price of gum under your show "Why aren't you doing your chore?" Is almost like "Why are you hiding from me?" I'm hiding from everything And everyone Can't you tell I'm living in hell?
Lies all the lies Sleeping in one cave Then they slither out To poison more peoples minds All at once Which is why I hide All the pain Pain of love Pain of life Pain of family and friends It's the reason I hide
You can notice the shadows dancing around Just like a flame stuck in a jar It Burns With Fire This is why I hide.