Why?* Why didn't you just tell the truth? They all gave you a chance to tell it but, you chose not to. Why? You lied to Jarod about alot of things... He asked you if you was sure, why didn't you just say no you lied. You lied to Arcassin, who you said you loved. He also asked you if you was telling the truth you said yes instead of no. Why didn't you just listen to your gut? Now you've lost him and you'll never get him back. You should have known that it wouldn't have lasted, you knew that you lied. You lied to the two people who you say were important in your life and other people too, you hurt them. *You'll have to live with that.
I forgive myself for it but i'm sorry to those i have hurt and lied to. #Roadtoforgiveness .... More coming soon