I has been a good while to find me a piece. This new surface and the girl has made a potential whole. Never felt the love disappear. Will she allow me to be hers and can she please be here? Will she ever be mine? Night is so dark and cold but how can her soft voice make it all stop? No one can ever compare. She's the first person to ever be there. All has left and I see she is the one who keeps her words. I want her to be mine do to the change of direction. Love her always. Dark shades in the fog fades, with this change of direction and a stronger bond get's dark half disappear. Please will she be mine? I will be sure it's the final stand and the last time. The worse part of me will fade. This change of direction made me feel love and any of the ex's will notice the change.
To the one who has always been my sisters closest friend and to the one who never left my side. I love you with all I am and all I will be, please know that you've seen the flaws and dusted them off me. I love you every second of the day and there will be more. N.A.H