I meant to tell you... if love is just a word then your thought is just an idea you cant exist in my mind... that's just crazy your voice wont haunt me.... that's just fear every brown haired beauty looks like you from a distance yet they don't fool my heart.... its just an ***** but it wont play at the wedding I wish came true so this is what became of me... I hope your happy not with sarcasm but full truth Sorry I was a liar If you could see me now id be ashamed you made me so strong and I only broke They say your happy and a mom....... sweetie my love I wasn't worthy As long as your happy nothing can hurt me.... Like a lifetime of kisses I cashed in for one foolish night... I can honestly admit you were only always right Jesters laugh at my follies now Tears of a clown now makes more sense Like the grass was not greener on the other side of the fence... If I never stood in front of you disbelieving your beauty how I never told you how your touch shot right through me your smile could stop any feeling of pain a voice so perfect could always drive me insane?? I meant to....