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Nov 2015
she would wrap her arms around me tightly
her voice spilling hums silently
convincing me all broken pieces will fall back together
she charmed me with her wit
tied me up and still convinced me love was sweet
my blood smelled her portion
i was really blind and patient
i was love sick she was the nurse and i was a patient
she would hold my hand and tell me
close your eyes
after all love was supposed to be blind
but where she left me
just brought tears close to my eyes
i was in hell my chest bleeding
holding pieces of my hearts waiting
for someone to sew them back together
she pushed me barefooted on a carpet of broken glasses
winked and turned her back with no more glances
i bled but still i couldn't get rid of her from my veins
i trudged on pathetically pain almost bursting through my veins
i took a sheet of paper used my blood as ink
and wrote this stupid poem
kelvin mungai
Written by
kelvin mungai  nairobi,kenya
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