It's funny. You knew how ****** up my past was. You knew how much I had been hurt before.
I thought that would've stopped you.
I thought you would have had some sympathy.
I thought I was ****** up before you.
I don't think I knew what ****** up was.
You said you enjoy people's pain? Well you'll get a kick out of this:
My brother told me that he loved me and I literally flinched. My first reaction was to ask why he was lying to me. I went on a date and the guy grabbed my hand. I was physically shaking. I couldn't help but remember when your hand was the only one my knew. Knowing that you slept with her on the days you couldn't make it to me, kills me inside. I thought you had chosen me, but apparently I was just someone to waste your time.
One day someone is going to come around and you won't play games with her. You'll fall for her, and she's gonna ******* up. Bad.
One day you'll experience loss. And hopping into bed with the next girl who will put out, won't conceal your pain.
Soon you'll learn. One day you'll realize.
I just hope for your sake that you find a way to deal with the pain.
But don't come back to me when you need someone to numb your pain.
Don't come back, ever.
You walked away. And frankly, I don't want you back.