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Nov 2015
Guilt endures a weighty shroud
     first aggression taints our deed
          self-righteousness stains our trail.

I saw you today...
flickering image across a flat screen.
One hand clutching a precious doll,
worn ragged from trust’s tight embrace.
It wears the tears from your half lidded eyes.

Camera pans left revealing the crime...
a ****** stump where an innocent hand
once held a child’s inquisitive fingers.

I wonder what I would say
if ever forced to face you,
exposing my great shame.

Perhaps I would repeat the spin from our
doctors of the twisted and profaned word.
They preen with vain pride,

“So few are as you".

Just a casualty of a righteous war...
As if the crippling of even one
guiltless child was not one child too many.

                 one child too many
                 one child too many

          *Guilt endures a weighty shroud
      first aggression taints our deed
self-righteousness stains our trail.

©  S.Loeding
All Rights Reserved
Avalon's Respite
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Avalon's Respite
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