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Nov 2015
Tender mystery of nature
That I hold in my hand
You, sweet secret so secure
Shiniest charm than the sand
Who would have thought that I
Could cherish the iris of your eye
You are the reason of my dream
And each time you let me in, your stream
Brightens my heart, the effect never wears off
With you the book is never written
In advance, so what are you made of ?
I have cast different spells on you so often
Your soul, so seldom opened has smiled
Your existence elates my enameled essence
Being one light, thence to me your beauty has never lied  
Why are you such an elixir, core of my diligence ?
Each time I drink your words, you recreate my Renaissance
Let me reach you again, we will enter in our trance.  

Will you read my bold words, behind that mild romance ?

November, 2, 2013
Appoline Romanens
Written by
Appoline Romanens  24/F/Nancy, France
(24/F/Nancy, France)   
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